We are located at 3177 Executive Drive in San Angelo, Texas. Click here for a map.
Our normal hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 am to5 pm and close for lunch from 12 pm to 1 pm.
The deadline varies based on the return that is filed. Listed are the usual filing dates but these may vary if the year-end is different.
Typically, the forms need to be mailed out to the recipient by January 31st.
You will need to get a W-9 form filled out by the individual or business. These can be located on the IRS website. You will need their legal name as it appears on their tax return, a mailing address, and federal identification number for a business or a Social Security number for an individual.
In most every situation, according to the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, a taxpayer needs to retain records for 3 years plus the current year. Some individuals prefer to keep 5 years of records but a minimum of 3 years is recommended.
From mid-January through approximately April 15th our normal hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8 am to 6 pm and closed for lunch from 12 pm to 1 pm. Also, Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm during this time period only.
It is recommended to setup an appointment, and if needed those can be setup outside of regular normal hours of operation within reason.
If you pay an individual or business the amount of $600.00 or more in 1 calendar year, you need to send them a 1099. The types of payments that most often require a 1099 to be filed are payments for rent, contract labor, and repairs.